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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pulo Manuk Beach, Lebak-Banten (an exoticism in solitude)

Banten is a province located west tip of the island of Java, Indonesia. hear the word 'Banten' itself, we will be reminded of a kingdom that started around the year 1526, When the kingdom of Demak expand its influence to the western coastal area of Java. Banten storing many kinds of artistic culture, language, cuisine and traditional arts of mystical. Besides Banten also famous beaches lure charm, here I bring you a review of-a beach that also listed in beautiful beaches in Banten-Pulo Manuk.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 1 For Another One Day

Good morning and the day begins. cup of coffee or a slice of toast probably enough to satiate the stomach. What ordinary life ..

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